The Seven Star Training Philosophy

Welcome to Seven Star Energy Centre, we thank you for choosing us and look forward to assisting you in reaching your health, fitness and nutritional goals.

We have a systematic approach to our training based on sound fundamentals of to training your body and mind to perform at its best. It’s likely you have experienced, seen or heard elements of our training somewhere but we’re different than other facilities in how we look to bring it all together.

Seven Star training focuses on training your body AND mind for better health and sustainable performance with innovative movements based on tried and tested disciplines and researched through many years.

Key Training Principles

“None of us need to exercise. We were not created to exercise. We were made to move. Exercise is something we invented because we were not using our bodies to their intended design. We use exercise to keep us “healthy.” But the truth is, exercise is just a band-aide, or a courtesy nod to movement. Exercise, itself, cannot yield the health we seek with it because it is an artificial answer to what we are seeking.”

– Tim Anderson from Original Strength

The demands and environments of our modern lifestyle have changed the way we breathe, eat, move and rest. While natural, primal movements and playing are featured less and less in our day to day lives, “exercise” in all its good and bad plays an important role in keeping us active and avoiding the sedentary lifestyle so many are in nowadays.

Important points to note about Seven Star Energy Centre training:

Benefits of Seven Star Training help people from all walks of life to look, feel, and perform better.

Here are just a few of the benefits of this approach to training:

  • Improved stability and mobility
  • Greater strength and power
  • Increased cardiovascular fitness
  • Reduced risk for pain and injury
  • Body composition improvements
  • Lower stress levels, improved sleep & nutritional patterns
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