11 Tips to Improve Your Kettlebell Swing

From Pat Flynn & Peri Zourides

The swing is to fit you both tightly and loosely, as your skin fits you. At moments it is tense, at other moments, relaxed. 

It is a violent expression of the hips, and one of the few you can get away with outside the bedroom without coming off as impolite or being asked to leave. 

The benefits are enormous.

1. Burns fat
2. Boost capacity
3. Builds “kettlebooty”

Here are ten tips to get your swing in better order:

1. Do not teach yourself the swing without first teaching yourself the deadlift. This succession is a logical one, as I would not have you negotiate the Autobahn without having you first pull out the driveway-less I had something against you.

2. The swing is a hinge, not a squat. This means the butt goes back, not down. This also means you are to keep your hips somewhere above your knees but below your shoulders.

3. Yes, the knees should bend, but they should not come forward. The shins should be vertical, or very close to.

4. Keep your back flat and keep a neutral neck. 

5. Do not allow the handle of the bell to drop below the knees at anytime.

6. Keep your lats (armpit muscles) tight and elbows locked.

7. Think “jump through your heels” to perform the swing-snapping the hips forward and standing tall. Everything should extend simultaneously.

8. Do not swing overhead. If you want to go overhead, snatch. 

9. BREATHE! Match the movement with deep diaphragmatic breathing. This will keep you safe and increase power output.

10. Practice, practice, practice! Establish a swing quota. I recommend a minimum 200 swings, everyday.



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